Today the Arizona Supreme Court issued the attached Warrant of Execution for Frank J. Atwood in the murder of my sister, Vicki Lynne Hoskinson.
He is set to be put to death on Wednesday, June 8th at 10:00 am.
As a family, we can not say how relieved we are to know that justice for our beautiful daughter, sister, granddaughter, niece, cousin, friend will be seen and anticipate the next 36 days to be a roller coaster.
A Clemency Hearing will be held in this case, once we are informed of the date & how letters can be submitted on Vicki’s behalf, I will update that here and share.
Your love, support and friendship means so much as we walk these final steps. Thank you for never forgetting …
#loveneverforgets #dontforgetvickilynne

I’m so happy this is finally happening 🙌 can we go to show our support for you and the family
Stephanie- I just want you to know how much we love you and your mom, and miss your sister everyday. 38 years for you guys and the rest of our family is much too long, and I am so sorry your dad and grandmother are not around to see this justice finally carried out. Please give your mom our love and feel us with arms wrapped around you during the next 36 days. If there’s anything we can do or any support we can give, please don’t hesitate to reach out. ❤️Randy Gibson (Son of Sharon (Johnson) Russell, brother to Carey (Gibson) Gaona, Grandson of Wilma (Bayes) Johnson. I am your third cousin.
The state needs to stop spending money on this man and give this family justice.
all these years and now this family can get closure , in my opinion, I.V. injection is to humain for this animal, he should have his ass strapped to a chair and electrocuted so he feels every bit of the 2400 volts. to everyone in the Hoskinson family , my heart and support is with you hands down
I hope u all can find piece for she touched our lives in so many ways so so many years ago and will never be forgotten.
It’s about time.
Blessing to Vickie Lynn’s family.
Hello Stephanie,
I am so relieved for your and your family that the finish line is finally in sight.
I’m not sure how much weight a letter from me to the clemency board would carry, but I am more than happy to write one. I will keep an eye on this blog for details of who to write, else you can contact me directly. I hope I’m not jinxing anything by saying this, but if Dixon didn’t get clemency, I can’t see Atwood getting it, either. I mean, I know Atwood is trying to play the looney card, but Dixon is playing it stronger and still lost. So, I just can’t see Atwood being given a pass.
Speaking of letters, I am considering writing one to thank Attorney General Brnovich. Since Atwood’s trial concluded, it seems as if no one in the system has worked harder to make this finally happen. Additionally, he has done the right thing by staying the course and tuning out the idiotic plays to deny justice (like the one from Conover, which I personally found appalling). I’m not saying that this wouldn’t have happened without him, but I will comfortably say that this wouldn’t have happened without someone like him.
I am sure you’ve seen many typewriter monkeys as of late spew off how they think Atwood shouldn’t get justice. Pay them no mind. It wasn’t their family member that was murdered at such a young age. Hell, I’m guessing almost zero of them were even in this community when that tragedy went down. They don’t know what they’re talking about. Know that you and your family have a great deal of support, likely more than you know. Your supporters just don’t have cushy jobs writing stupidities disguised as editorial columns, trying desperately for their dying newspapers to cling to some sort of relevancy.
I will be at the prison on June 8. Even though I didn’t know Vicki, given that she was taken less than a mile from my home at the time and she was less than two years younger than me…I just feel compelled to be there to show my support. By no means am I trying to liken the impact to the one felt by Vicki or your family, but what happened to Vicki had a lasting effect on all young people in the Flowing Wells area at that time. I remember all the bumper stickers saying “Don’t Forget Vicki Lynne”, and I remember thinking when I saw them “I don’t need to be reminded. The terror we all felt will be with us all, always.”
I’m sure I won’t be allowed inside of the prison gates. But, I plan to be on the other side of the street from the inevitable idiotic protesters. I want to be there to show my support for Vicki, her family, the members of the community that were here at that time, and the process itself. I also want to be present as sort of a counter-protest, or perhaps a protest of my own, that this process took AT LEAST 20 years longer than it needed to or reasonably should have. I’m all for due process, but reason as well as respect for the families of victims requires judges to deny egregiously abusive motions for continuances.
I’m not sure what I have to offer, but if there’s anything I can do for you or your family to make this emotional time easier, please don’t hesitate to reach out.