Following is the letter that I wrote to Arizona’s Governor Ducey on September 9, 2019.
As a family and community, we are asking the Governor directly to order the drug necessary to resume executions in the state, the authority and power lie within him.
Nothing will bring Vicki back. The absence of Atwood from this earth can close this chapter, end the continued victimization we receive by “him”, his wife, and paid supporters. It is TIME this nonsense stops.
35 years is too long to carry out punishment that the people handed down. Every minute, hour and day we wait for it to happen is just a mockery of the system & is a slap in the face of justice & my sister.
We won’t stop. If anyone thinks we will they have grossly underestimated the love & promise our family, friends and community have to see justice for Vicki.

September 9, 2019
Honorable Governor Ducey
1700 West Washington Street
Phoenix, AZ 85007
Dear Governor Ducey,
I was 11 years old when my life was taken from me by the choice of one person. The choices he made from the time he was a young person were all enabled by a broken system, people who weren’t invested in doing the right thing and an evil cycle pursued.
The murder of my sister, Vicki Lynne Hoskinson, robbed any sense of a normal life, and continues to rob the same thing from my children.
The choices the monster, Inmate # 062887, currently held in Florence State Penitentiary didn’t just start with the kidnapped, sexual assault and murder of my sister, I am confident you are well aware of his record and crimes he committed that lead up to September 17, 1984.
As a clinically diagnosed psychopath, he believes he is above us & will stop at nothing to outthink us. Manipulate you and the system that he has controlled for almost 35 years.
He made a choice to defy his parole in 1984.
He made a choice to troll the neighborhood of a town in another state he didn’t belong in.
He made a choice to hit a little girl with his car riding her bike down a road in the neighborhood she lived in.
He made a choice to drive her approximately 20 miles from her home
He made a choice to sexually assault her, while she cried for her mommy.
He made a choice to stab her.
He made a choice to leave her in the dessert to die.
Because he has a history of being irresponsible in his choices, he almost let her live. He dropped his keys and had to return to where he left her to find them. As she crawled through the desert, crying for help and begging for her life, he would have to fulfill a vow he wrote in a letter to a friend saying he would never let the next child “tell” and he lived up to that promise by murdering my sister.
The last words she spoke, I know haunt him, because he doesn’t understand them. I promise to share the rest of that story the day he is no longer breathing on this earth because he doesn’t deserve the satisfaction of knowing why she spoke the words she did as she clung to her death.
The terror she experienced in the time she was in his control and alive on this earth is unimaginable.
Vicki Lynne was a beautiful, witty, blue eyed little girl. She loved French Fries and Spaghetti-o’s, watching her grandfather race cars & playing softball, she wanted to twirl batons & beating the boys on the playground at tetherball.
The day my sister was take, she didn’t have a choice.
Now, the choice to carry out justice ultimately lies within you. My sister deserves justice. She deserved to live a beautiful life and be 43 years old today.
She deserves someone who wants to fight for her today the way she fought for herself that day against a monster who still breathes now.
So, I ask you, who do you fight for? Innocent children like my sister, Vicki, or do you fight for pedophiles who kill them?
What’s your choice Governor? Who do you protect?
Stephanie D. Hoskinson Brandt
Cc: Mark Brnovich, Arizona Attorney General
Erin Duffy, Law Offices of Erin E Duffy P.L.L.C.