Speck of Evidence

Tonight as I was searching the internet, I came across a show my mom & I did in 1999 for The Medical Detectives, Forensic Files Series. It covers the forensic science that linked Frank Atwood to the murder of Vicki.

It shows the series is currently being aired on TruTV.  I am not sure how long it will be available to view on TruTV or via this website.

http://www.forensicfiles.com/speck-of-evidence.html **This link is no longer available, sorry!**

It is another piece of the puzzle that has spanned the last 29 years and very informative from the scientific perspective.

Still difficult to watch when they show Vicki’s remains but then I think of this moment…


Favorite picture of Vicki & I

Favorite picture of Vicki & I

Will you share with me?

It is incredibly touching when people take the time to share their stories about Vicki with me. Sometimes it’s just a brief encounter, memories from school, the softball field or family events. She touched the lives of so many in her short 8 years!

And, I will never be able to fully understand the magnitude of how her death impacted so many.

It’s amazing after so many years, her story is still alive and that is very important to me. I am reminded everyday of the gifts that she left behind, those are the very things that keep me going.

I’d like to invite you to share your story with me, whether it be a memory during her life or how her death impacted you. These are part of the gifts that remind me how special she was.

Thanks in advance! Feel free to share right here on the blog OR you can personally email me at [email protected], I look forward to reading what YOU have to share!!

Vicki & I Ages 2 & 5

Vicki & I
Ages 2 & 5

“Hound Hog’s Day”

Ground Hog’s Day, jokingly known as “Hound Hog Day”, is also my sister, Vicki’s birthday.

This week at school our girl’s learned about Punxsutawney Phil and what it means if he will see his shadow or not.  As we discussed the meaning of today, I shared with the girls that Ground Hog’s Day is also Aunt Vicki’s birthday. And how when she was small she couldn’t say her “G’s” very well so she would call it “Hound Hog’s Day”.

Madison & Mackenzie often ask me questions about Vicki. “Mom, Did Aunt Vicki like horses?” “Do you think she would like to ski?” “What was her favorite color?” “Did she draw well?”“Did she play with dolls?” “Could she run fast?”

These questions happen randomly and sometimes catch me off-guard. It makes me happy they are curious to know more about her, but it also has made me realize that sometimes we may talk more about what happened to Vicki than about her life.

Vicki's 8th Birthday Party

Vicki’s 8th Birthday Party

Vicki’s favorite color was pink and she loved Strawberry Shortcake.

She was a fierce competitor and would “scrap with the best of them” if you ask our elementary p.e. teacher, Coach Hall.

Vicki had a fire in her eyes that let you know she was serious, and a smile to go with her amazing blue eyes that would melt your heart.

She would light up a room when she walked in and entertained you.

Vicki did not liked to be teased about her freckles… aka… angel kisses.

Her nickname was “Oooggle Boogle”.

She wanted to learn to twirl a baton.

Vicki was proud of her younger brother, and giggled when we dressed him up in girls clothes and strolled him around the block..

She was proud to be a “Girl Scout Brownie”… we still have her uniform.

Vicki spent many Saturday nights cheering her Papas on at the race track, she was proud of him!

She loved tacos, but hated pizza.

Vicki was “Annie’s” double.

She loved her pink bike.

Vicki was a softball playing machine. And, she meant business on the field. This must have been a natural family talent.

She loved playing barbies and having sleepovers.

We loved it when our Aunt Kimmy made us spaghetto’s and french fries.

And, although I have many memories, one of my favorites is the times we spent out underneath the starry skies at the lake.

Today I hope that if you didn’t know her before she passed away, that you know a little more about her now.

Her life was short, but it was packed full of LIFE. And, I never want to lose sight of that or stop sharing our stories and memories of her.

Happy 37th Birthday Vicki… We love and miss you!


Vicki Lynne Mile Clean Up

It is time for the quarterly clean up of the mile in Memory of Vicki Lynne.

As you may know, our family has joined with two others to keep three miles of highway clean in north Tucson in memory of our loved ones. We break into groups, if you show up to do Vicki’s mile, you will actually be cleaning up her mile.

The date has been set for Sunday, December 2nd at 8:00 am. 

My sister, Carie, has taken over the primary responsibility for the mile in honor of Vicki as my parents are now here in Montana. She has the support and help of my brother, Brian as well. We ask that if you can attend that you meet at Anthony & Crystal Cillittos house at 8:00 am. You can shuttle over to the mile sites from there.

Crystal will go over the rules with you before you start. Remember to bring gloves, a garbage picker upper (if you have one), hat, water etc. Safety vests will be provided. No children under 12 allowed. (State rules…sorry) wear good shoes, no sandals or shorts.

Anthony’s address: 15431 N. Coronado Forest Dr. in Catalina.

The clean up normally takes about 1- 1 1/2 hours depending on the number of people who show up to volunteer.

Our family is so incredibly grateful for those who can help us give back to our community. I wish that I could be there to participate in the clean-up but can not make it this time.

Please do not hesitate to contact me directly with any questions you may have.

Thanks again for your continued love and support, I hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving!!!


The Writ of Habeas Corpus

Vicki Lynne had a victory today that we all can celebrate for her. The US District Court denied Atwood’s appeal in his Writ of Habeas. 

Vicki, age 4, she was a comedian! Happy & full of life!

Atwood has until October 1st to make his next filing on what they call the Martinez vs. Ryan claim which he can say he had “ineffective counsel” at the Federal level. According to court documents all filings and responses are to be done by November 1 and any requests to continue are disfavored.

Again, we have forward motion and can feel a little justice in this crazy roller coaster that we have experienced the last 28 years. It is hard to explain the emotions that go on as we continue down this long and dusty road. Today I am happy to know that maybe, just maybe there may be a light at the end of the tunnel… and  her story continues…